• support@fourthfrontier.com
  • Profile picture of Tony Dunn

    Tony Dunn posted in the group Smart Heart Seminar

    2 years, 6 months ago

    Hi there, i have had mu frontier x for some months now. My doc said i have a congenital cardiac condition (heart artery grew incorrctly placed when my heart developed in the womb). Their suggestion was to do only moderate exercise. However i have been a competative endurance runner for over 40 yrs with no knowledge of any heart issue. I have set a heart rate alert and a heart strain alert. Are these the best alerts to set? I am 57 and still run competively covering up to 65/70 miles per week, at my peak several decades ago i covered 90/95 miles per week all with no heart issues. Can anyone advise if this is acceptable (no symptoms felt since using frontier x)? Thanks

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